Tharwa SandsYour local supplier of Red Granite to Canberra, Sydney and the Southern Highlands
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Washed River Sand

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Our Washed River Sand is dredged from the back waters of the Burrinjuck Dam on the Murrumbidgee River. It is very clean sand with no dust, free of African love grass and serrated tussock and it has an even consistent grading. See the latest sand gradings.

The sand meets all ACTEW filter and bedding specifications, and NSW and ACT Roads Specifications. Its close proximity to Canberra makes it a very economical product.

Our Washed River Sand has been used for concrete by companies such as Holcim and it produces concrete of a very high MPA due to its hard quartz granules.

It is used for bedding and filter sand when the services are being laid in new suburbs and is currently being laid in all the new Gungahlin suburbs such as Taylor, Throsby, Moncrieff, Casey, Wright, and Forde.

It is also excellent for bedding down pipes under roads, examples of its use can be seen in the Barton Highway upgrade, the Federal Highway upgrade, the Gungahlin Drive Extension (GDE), and nearly all internal roads in Canberra. It has been the preferred sand for companies such as Group One and BMD.

It is used to top dress ovals and lay irrigation piping. It is excellent sand for bedding down paving and tiles, and can be used for all landscaping purposes. The sand is used extensively for horse arenas, under water tanks and fuel tanks and has been used for all the above purposes for the last 40 years. It is trucked as far as Sydney.

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